Rug Care

We advise against placing heavy solid furniture on your rug which does not allow easy vacuuming underneath. This is because from experience, a heavy immovable piece of furniture gives a safe undisturbed setting for moths to take over.

Everyday care

Handmade rugs can be shaken outside if a manageable size, brushed or vacuumed. It’s probably best to avoid using the highest suction and rotating brushes. Vacuum in the direction of least resistance in the pile. Take care around fringes to avoid them being sucked into the vacuum cleaner and becoming ripped or damaged.

Occasionally, if possible, turn the rug over and vacuum the dust from the back of the rug. If muddy, allow it to dry on the rug surface before vacuuming, never rub it when damp as this may add a new colour to the rug. If a drink is spilled, spoon off immediately and blot the fluid, again avoid ‘rubbing’’ it in.

A handmade rug is as susceptible to marking and staining as any other fabric, the one benefit being that a wool rug which has not undergone any type of chemical process still retains some natural lanolin from the sheep’s fleece which gives some protection.

A gentle sponging using a wool wash rather than harsh detergent is ok. Again ‘blotting up’ rather than ‘rubbing in’.

Longer Term Care

Over time, if you feel your rug is looking flat and less vibrant, take the rug to a Traditional Rug cleaning specialist/restorer or contact us to use our Traditional Rug Restoration and Cleaning Service.

Traditional Cleaning is recommended after 2-4yrs

Hand-made Oriental rugs are made using natural fibres in wool, silk and cotton or a combination of these. They are dyed using vegetable dyes. To safely clean and preserve these rugs we advise you avoid using heat or chemicals in the cleaning process.

Our Traditional cleaning methods are safer and appropriate for oriental handmade rugs and can bring an old and grubby rug back to life as well as lengthen the life of your new rugs.

 We are happy to give advice on general care and maintenance of your rug. We offer a traditional cleaning service in-house with option for specialist restoration for damaged rugs.

Good to know….

Carpets made from hand spun wool are of a much higher quality then mill spun wool.